Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Organic and Gum

Lia: What are you chewing on?

Zoe: A stick. What are you chewing on?

Lia: A wxquslkjdfio.

Zoe: A what?

Lia: It's organic.

Zoe: How'd you get it?

Lia: From Fifi. Foofoo. Whatever her name is.Zoe: The CAT next door?

Lia: Yep...every nite she leaves me these organic things. She tries to cover it with mulch but I can find them with my great nose. Want one?

Zoe: Um..dippy...didn't you get yelled at the last time you ate that?

Lia: oh yah.."ick".....y'got any gum?

Zoe: (...Dear Neighbor: we LOVE Fifi and Lia is very good hunter: wanna trade?...)