From: Lia
Yay! The Comment section worked and this is so cool cuz now I can respond to you all!
Since Zoe is sleeping and Jada is at home mending, I thought I'd take this opportunity to lie here in the morning sun, chew on a stick and use Mom's wireless laptop to thank you! (she says that's manners, whatever they are). Anyway, I wanted to show you MY birthmark (in my picture). I told Mom I should be able to pass for Jennifer Granholm since I never saw this Marilyn woman. She said if I wanted to look like the Govenor, then I had a M-O-L-E, MOLE! and NOT a beautymark. Sheesh!
Also, ...about Zoe: tho this Karen lady wants her, I heard Mommy say she's not going anywhere as punishment for being a terrier. I think Zoe will keep asking....
And thank you for the kind wishes for my friend Jada. She's mending well and we will once again play together like .....uh....what does Zoe call us.....lunatics. Ya. I like that word cuz it starts with an L just like my name.
Zoe: (zzzzzzz...what a nitwhit....zzzzzzz)