Friday, May 30, 2008

My Wild Side

Lia: So what's the deal? feeling a little penned-in?
Zoe: Sometimes I can feel the wolf part that's hard-wired.

Lia: WTF?

Zoe: I can't stand this fence and I want to go hunt some vermin.

Lia: Are you saying you think you're part wolf?

Zoe: We all are: The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is a domesticated subspecies of the wolf, a mammal of the Canidae family of the order Carnivora. The term encompasses both feral and pet varieties and is also sometimes used to describe wild canids of other subspecies or species. The domestic dog has been one of the most widely kept working and companion animals in human history, as well as being a food source in some cultures. There are estimated to be 400 million dogs in the world.[1]

Lia: Holy Cow.

Zoe: Wolf.

Lia: Ya.

Zoe: (... ....stupid dog...)

Thursday, May 29, 2008

New Friends

Lia: WOW! Who are these guyz?

Zoe: Girls. They belong to Aunti Eileen and Uncle Steve. The big horse is Life's Achievement - she's the Mommy. And the baby is Jester...they call her Jes....isn't she cute?

Lia: Can we go there to play with them...I think I'd like to play chase with Jes.

Zoe: Absolutely not...she's a very young baby with delicate legs and you won't be chasing her.

Lia: How about Life? Think she could catch me?

Zoe: Life is a retired race horse...yes, she could catch you and beat you up to protect Jes.

Lia: So if she's retired, what does she do now?

Zoe: She's a broodmare and a very good Mommy.

Lia: A broooooodmare?

Zoe: A broodmare is a female horse used for producing foals. They often are chosen in hopes of passing down their outstanding physical or athletic attributes or desirable ancestry.

Lia: Then I think my mom was a broodmare!

Zoe: (...when you were born, I think she had a nightmare...)

How To Eat An Ice Cream Treat

Zoe: Well, it's clear we have varying opinions.

Jada: If done properly, position yourself neatly on the upper deck on the clean dog bed, yet keep the food off the bed so as to not make a mess.

Lia: You look like a queen up there!

Zoe: Nope: I say be a dog and get down here in the grass - THIS is the natural way of dogs.

Lia: You look like a fuzzy rat.

Zoe: And what do you think you look like?

Lia: I dunno...what?

Jada: She looks like a giraffe with her legs spread like that

Lia: What's a gir...

Zoe: NEVER a baby horse: big butt and looooong legs...hard to reach your treat

Lia: But when I get there, I pick it up, take it to the patio and then I jump over things you two just run or fall into!

Zoe: (....cocky animal.. whatever she is....)

Sport Fan VS Nap Fan

Lia: Psst....ZoZo....are you awake?
Zoe: zzzzzz.....whuuuuut....?

Lia: Are you gonna get up and watch the Wings and the Pistons?

Zoe: leave me alone.

Lia: Why not - it's exciting - Mommy screams and jumps and it's like play.

Zoe: We're dogs - we don't care about sport teams

Lia: Oh really???? Did you see cuzin Jadie in her Piston shirt?
Zoe: She's special.

Lia: I'm special too.

Zoe: yessssss....but you're yellow-bus-special. Now say 'goodnite'.

Lia: Goodnite.

Zoe: ( time of the day....when she sleeps...)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Jada: So...what did you two do for the holiday weekend?

Lia: the what?

Zoe: holiday weekend. didn't you notice Mommy's home all weekend and it's one day longer than usual?

Lia: Ya! No leashes. No dog crates. Like we got outa jail or somethin.

Jada: Well, it IS Memorial Day weekend - we are 'free' for 3 whole days.

Zoe: It's a day for rememberance of those who fought for our freedom for the best country in the world.

Lia: I fought to get out of the house and go play in the grass.

Jada: I went to the beach; like going to the Hampton's. Put down a blanket, take a nap, get up and take another nap....what a life!!!

Zoe: That sounds wonderful - we should go together sometime.

Lia: Yes, because Memorial Day means play in the grass and naps...

Zoe: Because we're lucky to live in the land of the free.

Jada: Amen.

Lia: " country tizz of theeeeeee......sweet land.......".

Zoe: (...umhmm....the all American...)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Introduction to Felines

Zoe: Ok, Lia, Aunti Santi sent some information so it's time for you to go to school.
Lia: ok...what?
Zoe: This is Basil and Merlin Palazeti. They're Aunti Santi's cats. These are what cats look like. These are friends of a different species.
Lia: Who's who?
Zoe: (Sigh): Basil is black. Aren't they sweet? What do you think?
Lia: Basil sits-up pretty like you do for a cookie. This Merlin dude is quite athletic; you and I have never climbed up that high...and together, even tho they're laying next to each other, it looks like they might pounce on something.
Zoe: Very good! Always be aware that you might get pounced by a cat - that's one characteristic unique to them.
Lia: Not if I see one of 'em first and give them a good chase.
Zoe: ( that would be living in harmony....dipshit...)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Other Species

Lia: Dogs rule!

Zoe: I think that's a slogan for a dog food ad.

Lia: No...c'mere and look at this. These dogs are huge.

Zoe: The ones in the pictures?

Lia: Yah. Are they from Texas where everything grows bigger?

Zoe: Do you think those are big dogs in all those pictures?

Lia: Well they're hanging on our living room wall, so I just assumed....

Zoe: Those are horses.

....Mommy likes other species besides us...she even had a cat.

Lia: What's a cat?

Zoe: (...why me God?...)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Alpha Female

Zoe: Hey, why'd you leave?
Lia: I wanted to come up on the deck with Mommy

Zoe: Well..........

Lia: Well what?
Zoe: Uh...fatty....move over.

Lia: Why?

Zoe: Cuz I'm coming up there also.

Lia: I was here first.

Zoe: Excuse me?

Lia: um...I was

Zoe: (...try last....)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Rude Awakening

Zoe: Great treat, huh?
Lia: I Luuuuuuuuuuuv doggie ice cream. What are they called?

Zoe: Frosty Paws

Lia: Yep - and we're having them because of me.

Zoe: What do you mean?

Lia: Well.... When Mom and I went for a walk, I did everything right - even sitting when we got to the corners. So, she said because I was so good, we were going to get a treat. So you can thank me.

Zoe: I'm amused by your excessive favorable opinion of your ability and power.

Lia: Why?

Zoe: Because we get these ice creams every Sunday eve around 8 - whether you perform perfectly or lay there like your usual big lump-self.


Zoe: (...brain freeze....)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Party's over

Lia: Wow, that's pretty cool fencing.

Zoe: Idiot. That fencing is because YOU dug so many holes that now dogs are getting their own side of the yard.

Lia: Don't blame me for that...YOU'RE the one who showed ME where to dig.

Zoe: I weigh almost 19 pounds. I barely make a dent. You come along like heavy equipment digging to China and THAT'S why we're being punished.

Lia: You gotta admit, those are some nifty caverns.

Zoe: (...Lia....the 4-legged backhoe!!!...)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Security Guard


Zoe: Lia, we just came IN. Can't you just rest a minute?

Lia: There's something out there and BARK! I have to protect my Mommy. BARK! HURRY!

Zoe: Fine - let's go see who it is...


Zoe: Lia - there's no one here.

Lia: Not a person - see that big thing over OUR HOUSE?
Zoe: Lia, that's a jet - it won't come and hurt us.

Lia: A whut?

Zoe: an aero pane, for you.

Lia: Doesn't matter: bird, kite or aeropane - if I bark like this, the danger eventually goes away...and I made it happen!

Zoe: (...Mom, I've been looking on Petfinder's for a more suitable family member...there's a Beagle or this handsome Black Lab....)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Too much play is like work!

Lia: Wow...playing all day is's like work!

Zoe: WHAT are you talking about? Are you saying you played ALL DAY at daycare?

Lia: Yeah. Running, jumping, wrestling, rolling, more chase games..I'm tired when we get home.

Zoe: I dare say it takes you getting home. I have evidence of you on a love seat snoozing in the sun...I got up and asked you to move over and you snored even louder!

Lia: I was just taking a little break...

Zoe: It was over an hour and I was the one that was on my feet all day, so now that we're home, I'm getting the favorite nap spot.

Lia: Princess!

Zoe: (...fatass...)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Stop by and visit

Zoe: So that you know, Mommy isn't going to e-mail the blog anymore.


Zoe: Sheeez..stop yelling! The blog isn't going away....we'll post during the week and if people want to check on our antics and our friends, they can stop by.


Zoe: What is WITH you?'s easy...they just save this address to their favorites or desktop and simply click when they want to visit - this way we're not invading their e-mail.


Zoe: Well....hopefully they'll leave a comment....and Mommy gets calls and e-mails asking what we're up to when we don't post over the weekend, so I'm sure people will check in with us.

Lia: I hope so....I have alot more things I want to share and show!

Zoe: (...and God knows we can't wait!!!...)

Monday, May 12, 2008

You gotta speak up for yourself!

Jada: Just TRY it.

Lia: time I have an opportunity, I will.

Zoe: Not so fast, oh-agreeable-one!

Lia: What?

Jada: Ya, what?

Zoe: Remember the last time you were in the yard barking incesstantly and Mom yelled at you?

Lia: Ya, but that big bird needed to be told off!

Jada: What big bird?

Lia: It was a kite!

Jada: All I'm saying is, be assertive like me. If I'm napping on Aunt Kandiss' bed and my Mom says we have to go, I protest: "Woo Woo!!!" If I'm in the yard playing with you guys and they tell us to come in and we don't want to....Protest! : ..."Woo Woo Woo!!!" I'm just saying you two have to start speaking up for yourselves.

Lia: I'm game....I'm gonna try it again.

Zoe: Your both stupid - if you just shut up and follow her commands, she gives kisses and cookies and walks.

Lia: Hmmm....I do like those....ALOT.....

Jada: Me too.....maybe we should just pretend....we'll feel assertive but in the end, she wins.

Lia: Tee hee....I like that game.

Zoe: (.....atta girls.............sigh........)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

To The One Before Us

Lia: Who is that?
Zoe: Her name is Ali. She was Mommy's companion for 11+ years.
Lia: Did you ever meet her?

Zoe: Yes. She was old, but she taught me ALOT: how to get belly rubs in Mommy's bed in the morning; how to get treats by looking cute/sad or by doing tricks; how to chase squirrels and rabbits; how to tell people to get out of Livonia when they're near the fence; how to go swimming in the fish pond...mostly, how to love.

Lia: Can I meet her?

Zoe: Well...not in person...but she's all over the and her spirit. I would go so far as to say in this house she was own Mom.. sorta.

Lia: Then we should wish her and all the other Moms a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!

Zoe: In Ali's honor and with your big mouth, I think you just did.

Lia: I did good.
Zoe: (I admit...this did.)

Friday, May 9, 2008


Lia: WHOA! Who are the handsome boys?????????

Zoe: Names: Teddy Hickson and his friend, Chipsey.

Lia: Are they our new friends?

Zoe: They're Mom's friends.... Mom knows Teddy and his family.

Lia: Are they coming over to meet me?

Zoe: No, Lia....we're just going to post our animal friends....even human friends....and YOU don't necessarily need to know them all.......

Lia: I think I should meet them and show them how cool I am....we'll sniff each other....and I'll be the one that approves them for the blog.....

Zoe: (......sigh...I'm thinkin NOT)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New Friends

Lia: Hey, how'd ya like my day-care place?

Zoe: It's great; I made alot of new friends.

Lia: Well...they're already MY friends.

Zoe: Not EVERYTHING is yours! These are OUR the blog title!

Lia: ok....ok....who'd you meet?

Zoe: a LOT of cool dogs! Do you remember Bella from PetFinders? and a HANDSOME black lab.

Lia: how about my cool boxer friends?

Zoe: ya,they were there. Lots of play..lots of running..some good petting from people.......

.I like it!

Lia: Great. Let's go together! Get your leash!

Zoe: WHAT? not NOW - I'm pooped.

Lia: who's gonna tell our friends about our cool day-care?

Zoe: you do it - I'm off to a nap.

Zoe: (...not bad for a goofball!...)