Sunday, June 24, 2012

babies, babies everywhere!!!

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The Baby Bird Yesterday
This is the BIG BABY!

The baby (as big as her Mama) at 11am today.
By Noon...she had taken flight;
all that's left is an empty nest in the eaves...
Bittersweet...I guess I can get those gutters
replaced now...

Happy flying, Baby Girl...

Around 5:30 p.m., Lia and Zoe were digging at
something in the yard.  Zoe carried something in her mouth.
I BURST out the back door and yelled "DROP IT" -
which she didn't until, at warp speed, I got close to her and
her mouth opened. 
A baby rabbit the size of my thumb and some dead grass
lie in the lawn.  I wooshed the dogs into the house,
ran to get some gloves, scooped up the baby and
replaced him/her in the "nest" where they wer digging.
This girl watched and when I stood up she bolted under the fence. I waited and waited and
then had a talk with God:
"pleeeeeease don't let us be the cause of upsetting
your miracles...make Mama come back and I promise
to take the dogs on a leash to the side yard till they
move on.

It took her about 40 minutes to return.
She "munched" her way thru the yard

She got on her nest and rustled around for awhile,
rearranging things...

...and then she settled on top of the area
the dogs had dug and where I returned her baby.

Now what?  How long?
Should I turn the back yard sprinkler system off?
What about the maintenance guys?
Can I put chairs around her area? 
Will that cause her to not return?

Wildlife in the City.

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