Saturday, October 17, 2009

Read...send a few a Shelter...feel good

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..Because you just may not know about this woman....

Here: Go read about Bernie Berlin - and how she runs her animal rescue. High Standards...High Scruples...people whom we need many many more of relative to saving animal's lives. She gets into more stuff in a week than I can get to in six months! Really cool lady!
And you can see what she's up to on my Facebook page also.

BTW - I won the bid last year for the Dog Art Book on ebay - see pic above: left side of desk beneath map on wall (click on image for better view) - incredible art of doggies and I have it displayed on an easel - cool stuff: HONEST!

pics and commentary from Bernie's blog:

“There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home. There’s no place like home.” ~ Dorothy to Toto, in Oz

We are SO CLOSE to being able to finish our new shelter building at A Place to Bark that the dogs are ready to lay claim to their “bedrooms”!

To help to get us the rest of the way there, A Place to Bark is teaming up with eBay Good Works (the charitable giving arm of Ebay) to host our annual EBAY ART AUCTION! During the entire month of November, a portion of the proceeds (decided by the artist) of the sale of each piece of artwork from participating artists will be donated to A Place to Bark. Your donations, of course, are entirely tax deductible.

The beauty of eBay Good Works is that it makes it so incredibly easy for every artist to participate – and to do so in a way where they are completely in control of how big a portion of the proceeds of the sale of their artwork is donated to A Place to Bark.

Our goal is to raise $25,000, which is enough money to allow us to finish the shelter before winter sets in – and WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO THAT! If you are an artist and would like to help raise desperately needed funds for A Place to Bark by being a part of the Art Auction, please email us at: and we will send you all the details you will need to participate.

Above is a short video of the initial building phase of the shelter. Now that the shell of the building is up, we need your help to finish it!Thanks in advance for your interest and participation! So far in 2009, we’ve rescued, rehabilitated and re-homed more than 500 dogs and cats who would otherwise be put down - and the numbers keep climbing!Now you can be a part of continuing the crusade to fulfill the dream of a truly no-kill world! Thank you for your support!

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Lia and Zoe: Mommy told us sometimes our blog has to be about giving back. We may demand cookies for dinner - or - soft beds to snooze upon...but we were once homeless and thank God someone helped pay for us until Mommy came to get us. So: this month we're giving up all treats, rawhides, toys to unstuff - Mommy's giving up all fancy coffees and we're donating it to A Place to Bark to help finish the shelter. We'll get back to funny pics and stories next week.
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