Tuesday, September 8, 2009


cordon, stockade, gate, gateway, weir, door, prison, inclose, wall, envelope, case, wrap, corral, fence, hedge, paddock, wrapper, belt-in, delineate, partition, segment, subdivision, part, cram-in, outline, herd-in, ensconce, enslave, create geography, restrain, discipline, control, limit, protect, prohibit, confine, incarcerate, thrall, keep custody, inhibit, withhold, disallow, bar, hinder, clip the wings of, exclude, shut out,

Zoe: WTF? Look what happened to the top of my jump-over fence!

Lia: Wow....that's.....pretty.

Zoe: Who did this while I was sleeping?

Lia: You don't expect the lady with the camera to answer, do you? Besides, I think it's pretty.

Zoe: Pretty embarrasing!

Lia: Pretty lovely.

Zoe: (...you're as warped as the barricade....)

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