Wednesday, July 8, 2009


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Zoe: WHAT are you talking about?

Lia: HA!~You little shrimp! It's over for you. I saw Mommy looking at tie-outs cause you went and visited the neighbors this evening...and that crazy Harvey told you to go home!

So...Mom's on the internet ordering balls and chains and'll never see the light of day again, princess!!!!

you see...when dumb dogs like you don't know how good you've got it and go over the fence, you're lucky Mommy loves you enough to run out to find you...

...but I can't wait till you're on a tie-out; I'll run and jump and get company to play with...I'll call Kinsey....cuz you won't be allowed to go THREE FEET!!!! HA HA HA HA ...smartypantz....

Zoe: Diphead.....

(...she still doesn't get that I'm special...)

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