Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Protesting Prop 8 Recall...

Zoe: So did you find something to model?

Lia: Did you say a man used to live here?

Zoe: Yeah...they called him Daddy. Why?

Lia: I want to wear a necktie in protest of the recall of Prop 8 - and I'm not taking it off until they re-reverse it.

Zoe: What do you think - do I look yummy in a salmon color?

Lia: Actually - it looks more like the color of shrimp hence it's befitting.

Zoe: Quit talking so smarty-alecky... especially if you didn't find an old man's tie and had to use that dumb thing - you look ridiculous!

Lia: maybe Mommie will buy me a real tie like Ellen wears - but for now, I've made my statement!

Zoe: ( certainly have and it ain't pretty!!!...)
