Tuesday, December 18, 2012

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I'm so sick of the human race right now I could scream...or leave "urban" America!
This is posted tonight on a rescue's website.
I wrote and said if she wasn't taken by morning, I will foster her or
she can spend the rest of her days in our loving home.
"Another poor dog banished to the backyard, and basement due to a once single bachelor that treated her like a queen, to a now married father that doesn't have time for her anymore. To make matters worse for this poor old girl the wife doesn't want her near the toddler, so she goes from dark basement at night to outside with no dog house or shelter during the day. The only shelter she has is underneath the porch of the backyard. The owner said he will give her away if someone wants her, but other then that things will not change for this 12 year old girl."
I'm not sure I want that call in the morning.  But if I get it, it will be "meant to be" and I'll be honored to hopefully be her last home where she's loved again.
The 'ol gal deserves better.
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