Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh No....Not Again....

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Lia: What

Zoe: Are you blind? You don't see THAT?

Lia: I see a new stick; wanna play chase me?

Zoe: LIA...MY CYCLONE FENCE IS GONE! I think Summer is NOT my season; every year another access fence to climb over disappears and this Berlin wall continues around the perimeter of the yard.

Lia: So.

Zoe: I can't look anymore. I can't believe how depressing this is. I can't believe this.

Lia: Wanna peek out of the other fence and bark at everything?

Zoe: Nope. I want to go in and lie down. I have a stockade-fence headache.

Lia: I like it. I think it matches the rest of the fencing and looks nice.

Zoe: (***when you're that stupid, you're not allowed to have an opinion***)

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