Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Who Built Walls Around Camelot?

Lia: Whoa! Check THAT out.

Zoe: GEEZ-O! What The ffffffffffffff?

Lia: I'm thinkin this new high fence is all for you, Princess! No more scaling a cyclone fence to get to a squirrel or the neighbors dogs....you're grounded! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Zoe: Hmmmm....there's gotta be a way....I COULD go over the decorative fence by the garage and get on the roof......
Lia: Whatever, Half-Feline-Spoiled-Rotto...... I gotta go find my bucket.

Zoe: I am not pleased and I would like to know where the Suggestion Box is located; I have some thoughts and I'd like to leave an anonymous note!
humans think they know what's good for us...sigh...

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