Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Its ME - No Name - I'm ADOPTED!!!! Yaaaaaaayyy

Hi! I'm the new kid. I was found and taken to the Detoit Michigan Humane Society in mid April. On the eve of May 4th, I was transferred to the Westland Branch.

My future Mom showed this pic to my future Aunt Kandiss - who insisted they take a ride on their lunch hour to come and see me. Now I'm just 3 months old - full of P and Vinegar (ok...puppy energy) - and I LOVE EVERYBODY! Wanna play? Like puppy teeth? First Mom to see me melts.

My other Mom came to see me when she got out of school and BINGO - I GOT 'EM! So...the Society microchipped me and away we went. We stopped at our condo first to get a leash -I don't know leash... I don't know what a condo is - I barely knew what those tall step things are. I cruised the joint and no - I didn't notice any three cats - maybe later - I'm busy, y'know.... I go down the stairs with my front two feet - my belly follows with my two back feet stretched out behind me. There's got to be an easier way and I'll find it - whew - trust me.

Then we went to meet Lia and Zoe and to pick up my new cage. Big Lia doesn't seem to mind me cuz when I approach her to nip, she runs - which she likes to do - and I chase. Zoe is my size and the oldest and she 'talks' at me constantly- like scolding - but she comes back asking for play - so I indulge her. So as long as I can tumble and roll with them, I'm really happy.

These are just a few snaps from Aunt Kandiss' back yard - I had to check it all out, you see....

Mom starting SIT training ALREADY - sheesh!

My other Mom's already in love with me - see the smile?

I heard them say they were going to have a
Name the Puppy draw...
Do I look like a Berkley - Berk for short?

How about Booker?


Rollie? (I AM a roller)....Dewey?

I have no idea what that thing is....I'm just a puppy and fixed at that.


Can't wait to meet everyone...

No Name Yet But Don't call me Buster

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