Friday, July 25, 2008

Sweet Revenge

Lia: I'm bored.

Jada: Me too.

Zoe: I've got an idea - Jada: pretend you have to pee and we'll gather at our meeting fence.

Zoe: Ok. Now we all pretend we're watching someone. Ok...I know you're disappointed about the trampoline...but have you ever been UPstairs?

Lia: UPstairs where? What's up there?

Jada: Ya...and....once much trouble are we in???

Zoe: Look...I went up there!! There's a glass pane missing, we can get into the room...lots of things to smell and chew....let's go.

Jada: Ummm...Zoe.....Lia and I can't fit through that little hole.

Lia: And I'm not going in there - even tho it smells good - without Jada or Mommy. Let's go nap.

Jada: Know whut? I don't think she knows how to come back through that hole to get out. She's stuck. Should we tell Aunt Kandiss?

Lia: When we wake up. She has this coming!