Zoe: Oh, shaddup....yawn.
Jada: No, really Zo...you are like . . busted, girlfriend.
Zoe: ok...why?
Lia: For running away last evening. Mom, Aunti Melissa and Aunti Autumn were all out looking for you when we couldn't find you in the back yard. It was lucky for you that Aunti Autumn found you a couple streets over...they were pretty upset.
Zoe: Hey...I told Mom I needed a vacation - especially from you two. Y'know, I'm still amazed that you both aren't bleach-blondes.
Jada: So my Mom sez you were playing with a Scottie dog?
Zoe: A fun boy.
Lia and Jada: A BOY?????????????????
Zoe: Yep! My bliss is new experiences - and when I found Scott...well...I had to play around for awhile.
Jada: Um....like a W-H-O-R-.........
Lia: I hope he was worth it, Miss Houdini Smarty Pants Bisexual Canine Princess!
Zoe: (...EVERY minute......nice change !!!!...)