...from our friends at Dogwise.com:
With all the bad news going on right now - especially in the world of finance and the stock market - its pretty difficult to feel very good about anything. And while we don't claim to be experts on the economy, at least some of us here are old enough to remember the bad old 70's when the stock market did nothing for about 10 years and unemployment was twice what it is today. We did recover from that, and history tells us we should recover from what we are going through now.
Thank goodness we all have dogs who could care less about the economy, don't sit watching the stock ticker all day (maybe bored Border Collies would be an exception!), and are always up for walks and play sessions. Dogs can always bring joy and laughter to what otherwise could be a down day. In that spirit, we thought we would highlight some items that might bring you some joy and laughter as well:
HOW TO RAISE A JEWISH DOG: by The Rabbis of the Boca Raton Theological Seminary
THEY MOVED MY BOWL: by Charles Barsotti (New Yorker Cartoonist)
THEY MOVED MY BOWL: by Charles Barsotti (New Yorker Cartoonist)
PLANET DOG FOOTBALL: If you have ever laughed watching footballs players trying to corral a bouncing ball, the same unpredictable bounces of this new toy will have you howling as your dog tries to gather it in.
...all available at Dogwise.com...
Happy warm-sunny-squirrel chasing-rolling-digging-jumping-running weekend....and huggs from us.........Lia & Zoe