Friday, August 29, 2008

Enjoy the Labor Day Weekend...

Labor Day....Dog Show....Via House & Hound, interior designer and dog lover, Deborah Bornsztein's blog...
Warm grins to all....Lia Louise and Zoe Bean............

Boosting the Species

Lia: Here's why they're MY FIRST FAMILY:

Last night Senator Barack Obama accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for President. That means one thing; his girls, Malia and Sasha, are one step closer to being dog owners. That was the deal. He could run for President. And win or lose, they could get a dog.

What's missing from this picture?

There has been rampant campaigning throughout the dog world as to which dog the Obamas should chose. The AKC recommended five breeds based on the family's hypoallergenic needs, with the Poodle being voted as the number one canine candidate for them. Best Friends Animal Rescue has circulated a petition for the (hopefully) first family to choose a shelter dog.

Zoe: (! C'mon Sarah Palin.....)


Lia: Ok, Zoe, you self-appointed expert on political this:

Zoe: And this means WHAT?

Lia: There's an undercurrent that represents change in this country and even us dogs are affected. Jadie used to be scared of the purple bottle filled with treats cuz it was noisey. But she only just NOW, AFTER OBAMA accepted the nomination, tried it again and now she has to be distracted so her Mommy can get it from her! So: how about THAT for a change.

Zoe: YOU are a moron. Jada decided to finally play with the bottle cuz she was hungry enough to deal with the had NOTHING to do with a political movement.

Lia: Oh yeah?????? Wait, I'll show you how she can UNSTUFF a McCain doll in less than 5 that political enough for ya, smarty?

Zoe: (....I'm going to need SO much rest to oppose this nutcase.....thanks alot, Jada....)

Freedom Of Expression

Zoe: WHAT on EARTH???

Lia: Whut?

Zoe: What do you mean WHUT? What on earth have you done to your cage?

Lia: It's my HOUSE....condo rules! She may own the cage but it's my air space and I can decorate any way I want. Didn't Obama's acceptance speech invigorate you?

Zoe: THAT IS NOT WALLPAPER.....those are political posters....and propoganda at that!

Lia:'re just jealous that you're not a part of a movement!..and who said you could come in my house?

Lia: ...And I love him. Commander in Chief, Barack Obama! Canines unite!

Zoe: (...your hero needs to tell his VP how to tie a straight tie when he appears in public!...)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

...for the Party....

Lia: just a little more support from the canines before the acceptance speech....thought you'd all like to know...
Zoe: (...we don't...we're REPUBLICAN, you jackass...)

Let the games begin

Lia: Ya gotta get involved, Dude!

Zoe: Dude? Don't ever call me a 'dude'.
Lia: Hey, y'gotta rock it.
Zoe: Rock frikin WHAT?
Lia: The vote!
Zoe: (...YOU are a bothersome pebble....wait till McCain announces his VP)

...about 8 more weeks of this...

Zoe: So...why were you and Mommy so tired this morning?

Lia: We stayed up together to watch the Democratic National Convention.
Zoe: Why?Lia: Cuz I'm GENERATION Z.....I'm for PEACE, CHANGE AND DEMOCRACY...I am a proud Democrat!
Zoe: oh,'re WHAT?

Zoe: Well, now I know where I need to go...
(...Generation Z....what a dip...)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Great Biege Hunter

Lia: Why are we watching the neighbors yard?

Zoe: Because that's where HE starts; that elusive chipmunk comes thru the fence and runs over to the tree...then he goes up......

Zoe: and you have to watch carefully...even lean on the tree if you must...

Zoe: Then...see the arbor with the wisteria and how it hangs over the gotta get as close to it as you possibly can...

Zoe: jump up on the chair....then up on the I was only a little taller...


Zoe: (...I'm taking you out of my will...)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Going to Work

Lia: Hey, how come you didn't come to daycare to play today?

Zoe: I had more important things to do; I had to go to work with Mommy.

Lia: HA! and just what is it that YOU do at a title company?

Zoe: I add joy and lightheartedness! ...First I went into everyone's offices or desks to wag good morning and remind them how cute I am....all the Interstate Aunts and Uncles agree. Then Aunti Santi came in on purpose just to see ME.

Zoe: THEN Aunti Karen came in and brought me a doggie cookie...she's the one that wants me when I've finally decided I don't want to live with YOU anymore...

...Then, I had to go out to pee and I met Uncle Dennis from the Farmington Hills office....I don't think he's a dog person, so on his way into a meeting I stopped him, put my front paws on his legs suit pants so that he could take some dog hair with him...(his picture is suspiciously missing from the website or I'd show you how handsome he is)...

...then it was time for a nap on my Interstate blankie....

...and when I got up, I read the latest post on the DOGARTTODAY website and watched all the people come and go from the building....

...then...Aunti Elizabeth came in for a closing and I got to meet her - she gives good pets also...she's easy to love too... you see....not everything is about wasting the day playing at daycare.

Lia: doesn't sound like you WORKED either.

Zoe: ('re just a puppy...what do you know about anything?...)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Prospective Olympian thought process

Lia: Wow...I just figured it out.

Zoe: figured what out?

Lia: How to get a gold olympic medal! We play with volleyballs, yes?

Zoe: Yes.

Lia: And we roll around in the sand....yes?

Zoe: Yes.

Lia: And we stand on our hind legs and bark at each other sometimes...yes?

Zoe: Yes.

Lia: So....the only thing missing is what? I'll tell you: it's a white bikini! We need a white bikini.

Zoe: (....ohh....I can't WAIT to see your fat butt in a bikini....that will be medal worthy alright...)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

White Coat

Lia: Oh god........RUNNNNNN......WHITE COAT...........VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Zoe: Um....Ms.Stupid?.... that's Aunti Autumn.


Zoe: Nope....Aunti's friend, Natalie....class president.

Lia: Well...if Aunti isn't a Vet, what's with that scarey white coat?

Zoe: She's at her White Coat Ceremony. The white coat ceremony (WCC) is a ritual in medical, veterinary medical, podiatric, optometry, and pharmacy schools that marks the student's transition from the study of preclinical to clinical health sciences. At some schools, where students begin meeting patients early in their education, the white coat ceremony is held before the first year begins.

Lia: So she IS going to be seeing us patients pretty quick.

Zoe: HUMANS. medical school for HUMANS!!! But if I had to get a shot, I'd rather it be from her than anyone else.

Lia: OHHH...So we're proud of her?

Zoe: As you can see...we're all very proud of

Zoe: This is her last two years of school...then we'll really celebrate....

Lia: WHAT is all of this hub-bubb for if we have to WAIT TWO YEARS for milkbones and frostypaws???

Zoe: YOU are an ass....we want to show her we're here for her as support cuz she's gonna be either in class, studying or with patients....and that we love who she is.....look:

Lia: I love my Aunt Autumn....I'll wait for her.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Zoe: So....what've you got?

Lia: Nuthin. What you got?

Zoe: Nothing. Six Pack Summer is racing at Hazel tonite in the 9th.

Lia: Whatever that is....Can we go?

Zoe: No.

Lia: Then you got nuthin.

Zoe: ( ...LOGIC 101 and you get an 'A'...)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Family Reunion

Lia: Now what?

Zoe: I'm gonna go look at pictures of Jada's family reunion....

Lia: SQUIRREL....LOOK!!!!!!

Zoe: No-o-o...once again, that is a cat. Her name is Mimi.

Lia: She's pretty. So what's the reunion stuff about?

Zoe: Mimi and her brother Jake lived at the house when Jada was adopted. Then they went to spend some time with another family member. And now they're back. They are the ones that taught Jada not to chase kitties....

...and it looks like Jada has remembered to ignore the kitty...

Lia: Nope. I've been in trouble like that before and I know exactly what she's saying: